1:29 am, Monday, 23 December 2024

Prasanna Kkumar’s Poem

Deciduous fall – a mighty puzzle that enthral, we swoon to solve the riddle and get lost in the swirl

Eva petropoulou Lianou’s (Greece)

Looking for you..   Looking for you behind every unhappy moment Why Looking For  Why In every world that just

Emanuela Rizzo (Italy)

The plug At one to one, every thorn, up side down, stuck in the sediments of the heart, I got

Natasha Ilia Tsouro’s Poem (Greece)

LET THE SPIRIT BREATHE   Let your soul shine like a ray of sunshine.. Wherever it spreads its dazzling light,

Mariela Cordero’s Poem (Spain)

Your body or a distant country.   The maps as a fragile truce, are made of scattered atoms. To reach

Nasser Alshaikhahmed’s Poem (SAUDI ARAB}

Their stories etched into the tapestry of resilience   In the night’s stillness, a woman strolls alone. Her footsteps echo

শহীদুল্লাহ ফরায়জীর কবিতা

দণ্ডিত মহাপ্রাণ (উৎসর্গ: ড. মুহাম্মদ ইউনূসকে) সুদীর্ঘকালব্যাপী বঞ্চিত জনগোষ্ঠীর জীবন যুদ্ধে আপনি অগ্রণী আলোকবর্তিকা ক্ষুদ্রঋণের বিশ্বযাত্রার পথিকৃৎ, নবতর জীবন দর্শন

Elmaya Jabbarova’s Poem (Azerbaijan)

 Life’s Rhythm   Life, a pulsating heart, ceaselessly beating, Urgent like the hands of a clock, swift and fleeting, Now

Pablo Juarez’a Poem (Morocco)

poetry   We must enclose poetry And read it in dark corners Because it’s crazy, Some poets say, We shouldn’t

Francesco Favetta;s Poems (Sicily)

  Who will remain man ?   Because you man kill your brothers raise your hand to throw to unleash