4:13 am, Friday, 20 September 2024

Daniel da Purificação’s Poem (Africa)

  • কারুবাক
  • আপডেটের সময় : ০৫:১৮:৫২ অপরাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ৯ জানুয়ারী ২০২৪
  • 221 ভিউ
শেয়ার করুন


…And… Travelling WE did born… and Traveller is MY nature… and… Traveled always… and… in Travel like a gypsy… and… To Travel i feel myself… and… philosophizing about travel… and… poetcizing Travels… POEM ticizing Travels verses too… and… Goshhhh… as ever me being me on myself space USING A TRAVEL TONGUE… and… all… and… each… and… every one of these words IN TRAVEL | sentences with a hermeneutical SENSE OF TRAVEL… and… for those who will them – until – Travel… and… who are just TRAVELLING reading it


recommend To Travel

| ON words |

IN sentences

| BEFORE born |

AFTER ontological essences

| WITH themselves |

BETWEEN others

| BEHIND Knowledge of Ancestrality |

INSIDE oraliture



| AT my-own |

DURING expressions

| NEAR signification | … and… Now





yours… And…




 Daniel da Purificação is a citizen of the world. He likes to talk, love, read, think and write non-stop at all times.

He was born in Africa (Angola). He is a teacher, consultant, advisor, translator, freelance journalist and full-time social activist. His interests are very varied, including society, philosophy, literature, politics, education, democracy… Editor, Publisher and co-founder of the African and Afro-diasporic poetry-literary project BEST NEW AFRICANS POETS (2015-2024). Among other awards and distinctions, he is the winner of the “Atelie Poetico” Literary Residencies from the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI, 2022).

He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Creative Writing at the University of Texas at El Paso (USA). He is the author of two poetry collections THE ANGOPOEMS and INTERMITTENCES which he hopes to publish posthumously, i.e. after his death.


Daniel da Purificação’s Poem (Africa)

আপডেটের সময় : ০৫:১৮:৫২ অপরাহ্ন, মঙ্গলবার, ৯ জানুয়ারী ২০২৪
শেয়ার করুন


…And… Travelling WE did born… and Traveller is MY nature… and… Traveled always… and… in Travel like a gypsy… and… To Travel i feel myself… and… philosophizing about travel… and… poetcizing Travels… POEM ticizing Travels verses too… and… Goshhhh… as ever me being me on myself space USING A TRAVEL TONGUE… and… all… and… each… and… every one of these words IN TRAVEL | sentences with a hermeneutical SENSE OF TRAVEL… and… for those who will them – until – Travel… and… who are just TRAVELLING reading it


recommend To Travel

| ON words |

IN sentences

| BEFORE born |

AFTER ontological essences

| WITH themselves |

BETWEEN others

| BEHIND Knowledge of Ancestrality |

INSIDE oraliture



| AT my-own |

DURING expressions

| NEAR signification | … and… Now





yours… And…




 Daniel da Purificação is a citizen of the world. He likes to talk, love, read, think and write non-stop at all times.

He was born in Africa (Angola). He is a teacher, consultant, advisor, translator, freelance journalist and full-time social activist. His interests are very varied, including society, philosophy, literature, politics, education, democracy… Editor, Publisher and co-founder of the African and Afro-diasporic poetry-literary project BEST NEW AFRICANS POETS (2015-2024). Among other awards and distinctions, he is the winner of the “Atelie Poetico” Literary Residencies from the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI, 2022).

He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Creative Writing at the University of Texas at El Paso (USA). He is the author of two poetry collections THE ANGOPOEMS and INTERMITTENCES which he hopes to publish posthumously, i.e. after his death.